AoD_TT_stacked_rgb_smallClient’s need:

Age of the Dinosaur was a new exhibit opening at the Natural History Museum, with the purpose to teach children about dinosaurs and importantly palaeontology.

The client wanted to raise awareness about the event and also stimulate interest in palaeontology amongst children.

Our solution:

As the UK’s children’s radio station, we already can offer very targeted promotion with little wastage. To ensure even further that awareness of the event was brought to exactly the right audience, the Natural History Museum sponsored a 10-episode series on Fun Kids all about dinosaurs and prehistoric life.

Age-of-DinosaursAs well as broadcast on air, these features were also available to download on the Fun Kids website and iTunes channel – and all contained clear sponsorship messaging promoting the exhibit to listeners.

In addition, we ran a 3-month spot ad campaign and the exhibit received event promotion within our on air and online events guide.

Finally, we created an online mini-hub and site-wide banner which directed users to the exhibit page on the Natural History Museum’s website.

The online elements of this campaign meant that engagement and awareness for Age of the Dinosaur reached families all across the UK.

Here’s an example of the audio…

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The results:

The on air activity reached over 280,000 listeners. In addition the on-demand audio during the campaign had over 8,000 downloads.

The online activity delivered over 200,000 impressions and we sent over 600 site visitors directly to the Natural History Museum page from

Click here to download this case study


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