Europe ExplorersClient’s need:
The client wanted to educate children about the history and culture of various countries in Europe.

Our solution:

When a client’s aim is to educate children we like to find a sponsorship opportunity with our educational features.

This means that the clients message is delivered in an engaging and creative way that is much harder to achieve using traditional spot advertising.

We had a travel series on the Fun Kids called ‘Europe Explorers’ made up of 8 features, each of which focussed on a different country. This was sponsored by the European Commission as the content reflected their campaign aim.

The features looked at the most interesting and important aspects of each nation’s history, geography, culture and language.

The features were placed on-air, in iTunes and online at

Listen to one of the features here:

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The results:

The sponsorship ran for over 6 months, reaching 400,000 listeners and generating 6.1 million impacts.

The online ‘Europe Explorers’ hub generating over 7,500 unique pageviews and the on-demand audio was downloaded nearly 3,000 times.

The client was also allowed to use these features on their own platforms to enhance their educational offering and drive engagement.

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