Instytut Polski - ksiega znakuClient’s need:

The Polish Culture Institute London wanted to educate young people about Poland’s language, history and culture.

The aim was to make the many children who live in the UK with Polish roots, to understand more about their heritage, and in turn for other children in their class to understand more about their fellow classmates, helping foster a better appreciation of different cultures, languages and people.

Where in the World?

Our solution:

Whenever a client’s emphasis is on education we find a very natural fit with our educational speech features. It means the core message is delivered in a creative and engaging way that is more difficult to achieve with traditional spot advertising.

We gave the client sponsorship of our series ‘Where in the World?’ in which Fun Kids’ explorer John Iflyalot has to solve riddles about a country’s history and culture. He then journeys all over the country in question, investigating landmarks, prominent figures and places in history to try and solve it.

The Polish Cultural Institute London seemed like a perfect fit to sponsor the Poland features and worked as an engaging way to deliver the desired information to our audience.

Here’s an example of an audio feature:

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The results:

Where-in-the-world1During the sponsorship campaign the on air features reached over 170,000 listeners each month. In addition the audio was downloaded online through our website and iTunes channel over 5,000 times.

Throughout the campaign we also ran multi-platform competitions to build awareness of upcoming Polish cultural events, each reaching over 120,000 listeners.

The Where in the World? Poland online pages received 6,091 pageviews during the sponsorship and we collected a database of 600 parents who wanted to know more about the subject and Polish-related events.

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